· cloud



kube-apiserver 中与权限相关的主要有三种机制,即认证、鉴权和准入控制。上节讲到认证流程


  • 认证(Authentication), 负责检查你是谁,识别 user
  • 授权(Authorization), 你能做什么,是否允许 User 对资源的操作
  • 审计(Audit), 负责记录操作信息,方便后续审查

本文主要分析 apiserver 的 rbac 授权流程。



func DefaultBuildHandlerChain(apiHandler http.Handler, c *Config) http.Handler {
	handler := genericapifilters.WithAuthorization(apiHandler, c.Authorization.Authorizer, c.Serializer)
	handler = genericfilters.WithMaxInFlightLimit(handler, c.MaxRequestsInFlight, c.MaxMutatingRequestsInFlight, c.LongRunningFunc)
	handler = genericapifilters.WithImpersonation(handler, c.Authorization.Authorizer, c.Serializer)
	handler = genericapifilters.WithAudit(handler, c.AuditBackend, c.AuditPolicyChecker, c.LongRunningFunc)
	failedHandler := genericapifilters.Unauthorized(c.Serializer, c.Authentication.SupportsBasicAuth)
	failedHandler = genericapifilters.WithFailedAuthenticationAudit(failedHandler, c.AuditBackend, c.AuditPolicyChecker)
	handler = genericapifilters.WithAuthentication(handler, c.Authentication.Authenticator, failedHandler, c.Authentication.APIAudiences)
	handler = genericfilters.WithCORS(handler, c.CorsAllowedOriginList, nil, nil, nil, "true")
	handler = genericfilters.WithTimeoutForNonLongRunningRequests(handler, c.LongRunningFunc, c.RequestTimeout)
	handler = genericfilters.WithWaitGroup(handler, c.LongRunningFunc, c.HandlerChainWaitGroup)
	handler = genericapifilters.WithRequestInfo(handler, c.RequestInfoResolver)
	handler = genericfilters.WithPanicRecovery(handler)
	return handler

DefaultBuildHandlerChain中包含了多种 filter(如认证,链接数检验,RBAC 权限检验等),授权步骤在WithAuthorization中,如下:

// WithAuthorizationCheck passes all authorized requests on to handler, and returns a forbidden error otherwise.
func WithAuthorization(handler http.Handler, a authorizer.Authorizer, s runtime.NegotiatedSerializer) http.Handler {
	// 检查是否需要权限校验
	if a == nil {
		klog.Warningf("Authorization is disabled")
		return handler
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		ctx := req.Context()
		// 用作审计
		ae := request.AuditEventFrom(ctx)

		// 获取Attribute, 通过reqeust获取到请求的user, resource, verb, 是否为namespace级别的等
		attributes, err := GetAuthorizerAttributes(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			responsewriters.InternalError(w, req, err)
		// 执行认证流程
		authorized, reason, err := a.Authorize(ctx, attributes)
		// an authorizer like RBAC could encounter evaluation errors and still allow the request, so authorizer decision is checked before error here.
		if authorized == authorizer.DecisionAllow {
			audit.LogAnnotation(ae, decisionAnnotationKey, decisionAllow)
			audit.LogAnnotation(ae, reasonAnnotationKey, reason)
			// 校验成功,记录信息,转到下一个handler
			handler.ServeHTTP(w, req)
		if err != nil {
			audit.LogAnnotation(ae, reasonAnnotationKey, reasonError)
			responsewriters.InternalError(w, req, err)

		// 校验失败返回403,注意认证失败返回的是401
		klog.V(4).Infof("Forbidden: %#v, Reason: %q", req.RequestURI, reason)
		audit.LogAnnotation(ae, decisionAnnotationKey, decisionForbid)
		audit.LogAnnotation(ae, reasonAnnotationKey, reason)
		responsewriters.Forbidden(ctx, attributes, w, req, reason, s)

授权流程比较清晰,从 request 获取请求信息,进行鉴权,成功进入后续 handler,失败返回 403。

Authorize接口有多种实现,通过在 apiserver 配置--authorization-mode选择鉴权模式,包括:

  • ABAC
  • RBAC
  • Node, 用于 kubelet 鉴权 exec/logs 等
  • AlwaysAllow
  • AlwaysDeny
  • Webhook, 用于扩展权限,用户可实现 Webhook 与其他权限系统集成

如果选择AlwaysAllow,即不做鉴权, 开启后强制不允许匿名用户

// ApplyAuthorization will conditionally modify the authentication options based on the authorization options
func (o *BuiltInAuthenticationOptions) ApplyAuthorization(authorization *BuiltInAuthorizationOptions) {
	if o == nil || authorization == nil || o.Anonymous == nil {

	// authorization ModeAlwaysAllow cannot be combined with AnonymousAuth.
	// in such a case the AnonymousAuth is stomped to false and you get a message
	if o.Anonymous.Allow && sets.NewString(authorization.Modes...).Has(authzmodes.ModeAlwaysAllow) {
		klog.Warningf("AnonymousAuth is not allowed with the AlwaysAllow authorizer. Resetting AnonymousAuth to false. You should use a different authorizer")
		o.Anonymous.Allow = false

rbac 鉴权

rbac 是常用的鉴权方式,实现Authorize接口, 代码在rbac.go

func (r *RBACAuthorizer) Authorize(ctx context.Context, requestAttributes authorizer.Attributes) (authorizer.Decision, string, error) {
	ruleCheckingVisitor := &authorizingVisitor{requestAttributes: requestAttributes}
	// 调用VisitRulesFor来检查是否用权限
	r.authorizationRuleResolver.VisitRulesFor(requestAttributes.GetUser(), requestAttributes.GetNamespace(), ruleCheckingVisitor.visit)
	if ruleCheckingVisitor.allowed {
		// 成功直接返回
		return authorizer.DecisionAllow, ruleCheckingVisitor.reason, nil

	// 失败,打印日志返回失败原因
	// Build a detailed log of the denial.
	// Make the whole block conditional so we don't do a lot of string-building we won't use.
	if klog.V(5) {
		var operation string
		if requestAttributes.IsResourceRequest() {
			b := &bytes.Buffer{}
			b.WriteString(`" resource "`)
			if len(requestAttributes.GetAPIGroup()) > 0 {
			if len(requestAttributes.GetSubresource()) > 0 {
			if len(requestAttributes.GetName()) > 0 {
				b.WriteString(` named "`)
			operation = b.String()
		} else {
			operation = fmt.Sprintf("%q nonResourceURL %q", requestAttributes.GetVerb(), requestAttributes.GetPath())

		var scope string
		if ns := requestAttributes.GetNamespace(); len(ns) > 0 {
			scope = fmt.Sprintf("in namespace %q", ns)
		} else {
			scope = "cluster-wide"

		klog.Infof("RBAC DENY: user %q groups %q cannot %s %s", requestAttributes.GetUser().GetName(), requestAttributes.GetUser().GetGroups(), operation, scope)

	reason := ""
	if len(ruleCheckingVisitor.errors) > 0 {
		reason = fmt.Sprintf("RBAC: %v", utilerrors.NewAggregate(ruleCheckingVisitor.errors))
	return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, reason, nil

Authorize调用了VisitRulesFor来处理具体鉴权操作, 代码在rule.go

func (r *DefaultRuleResolver) VisitRulesFor(user user.Info, namespace string, visitor func(source fmt.Stringer, rule *rbacv1.PolicyRule, err error) bool) {
	// 获取所有clusterrolebinding
	if clusterRoleBindings, err := r.clusterRoleBindingLister.ListClusterRoleBindings(); err != nil {
		if !visitor(nil, nil, err) {
	} else {
		sourceDescriber := &clusterRoleBindingDescriber{}
		// 遍历clusterrolebing
		for _, clusterRoleBinding := range clusterRoleBindings {
			// 检查是否有对应的user
			subjectIndex, applies := appliesTo(user, clusterRoleBinding.Subjects, "")
			if !applies {
			// 如果user存在于subject, 获取对应的rules即clusterrole
			rules, err := r.GetRoleReferenceRules(clusterRoleBinding.RoleRef, "")
			if err != nil {
				if !visitor(nil, nil, err) {
			sourceDescriber.binding = clusterRoleBinding
			sourceDescriber.subject = &clusterRoleBinding.Subjects[subjectIndex]
			for i := range rules {
				// 调用visitor判断是否需要进入下一步鉴权
				if !visitor(sourceDescriber, &rules[i], nil) {

	// clusterrole遍历完还没有鉴权成功,接着遍历所在namespace的role,流程同上
	if len(namespace) > 0 {
		if roleBindings, err := r.roleBindingLister.ListRoleBindings(namespace); err != nil {
			if !visitor(nil, nil, err) {
		} else {
			sourceDescriber := &roleBindingDescriber{}
			for _, roleBinding := range roleBindings {
				subjectIndex, applies := appliesTo(user, roleBinding.Subjects, namespace)
				if !applies {
				rules, err := r.GetRoleReferenceRules(roleBinding.RoleRef, namespace)
				if err != nil {
					if !visitor(nil, nil, err) {
				sourceDescriber.binding = roleBinding
				sourceDescriber.subject = &roleBinding.Subjects[subjectIndex]
				for i := range rules {
					if !visitor(sourceDescriber, &rules[i], nil) {

visit函数, 用来判断是否认证成功,成功返回false, 不需要进行下一步鉴权

func (v *authorizingVisitor) visit(source fmt.Stringer, rule *rbacv1.PolicyRule, err error) bool {
	if rule != nil && RuleAllows(v.requestAttributes, rule) {
		// allowed用来表示是否认证成功
		v.allowed = true
		v.reason = fmt.Sprintf("RBAC: allowed by %s", source.String())
		return false
	if err != nil {
		v.errors = append(v.errors, err)
	return true

rbac 的鉴权流程如下:

  1. 通过Request获取Attribute包括用户,资源和对应的操作
  2. Authorize调用VisitRulesFor进行具体的鉴权
  3. 获取所有的 ClusterRoleBindings,并对其进行遍历操作
  4. 根据请求 User 信息,判断该是否被绑定在该 ClusterRoleBinding 中
  5. 若在将通过函数GetRoleReferenceRules()获取绑定的 Role 所控制的访问的资源
  6. 将 Role 所控制的访问的资源,与从 API 请求中提取出的资源进行比对,若比对成功,即为 API 请求的调用者有权访问相关资源
  7. 遍历 ClusterRoleBinding 中,都没有获得鉴权成功的操作,将会判断提取出的信息中是否包括了 namespace 的信息,若包括了,将会获取该 namespace 下的所有 RoleBindings,类似 ClusterRoleBindings
  8. 若在遍历了所有 CluterRoleBindings,及该 namespace 下的所有 RoleBingdings 之后,仍没有对资源比对成功,则可判断该 API 请求的调用者没有权限访问相关资源, 鉴权失败


本文结合 RBAC 分析了 Kubernetes 的鉴权流程,整体这部分比较代码清晰。RBAC 是 Kubernetes 比较推荐的鉴权方式,了解完整个流程后,居然所有请求都会先遍历一遍 ClusterRoleBindings,这样实现起来比较简单,但随着规模和用户的扩大,这部分是否会有性能问题,需不需要实现能够快速鉴权的方式。